Favorite Recipes

Homemade Minty York Peppermint Patties

Not only are these delicious, refreshing, minty chocolate treats that will satisfy any sweet tooth, but also, they are paleo and healthy! Now how about that? ^_^

***Adapted from & Credits to: EverydayMaven***

Keep reading for the complete recipe! ^_^

Yield: about 32 Peppermint Patties


c. unsweetened, shredded coconut

  • c. honey
  • ¼ c. melted coconut oil
  • 1 tsp peppermint extract
  • ¼ tsp pure vanilla extract
  • pinch finely ground sea salt
  • 8 oz fine dark chocolate 

    1. Line two baking sheets with parchment paper. 
    2. Combine coconut, honey, coconut oil, extracts and sea salt in a bowl.
    3. Once thoroughly mixed, transfer filling to the bowl of a food processor and process for about 30 seconds until coconut flakes are broken down and the filling is a bit more pasty.
    4. Scoop filling into a bowl and pack together. 
    5. Cover and chill in fridge for about 30 minutes.
    6. Take dough out and roll onto shredded coconut "floured" surface.
    7. Cut into desired shape.
    8. Transfer back onto parchment paper and freeze for about 30 minutes.
    9. Melt chocolate in microwave or using double broiler method.
    10. Dip dough into melted chocolate using a fork and quickly transfer to parchment paper lined pan.
    11. Repeat for all of the dough disks.
    12. Chill in fridge for at least 15 minutes to let chocolate set. 
    Store in fridge or in cool, dry place at room temp.


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